Monday, August 14, 2006

Sick & Tired..

Not from the normal things I am sick & tired of, but really sick.. nasty headache to the point of making me physically ill during the night and this morning. Down to a dull roar now, but has left me wiped out and exhausted. I had to wake Brian up to take Hunter to school, I could barely function. When I bent down to change the twins diapers when they woke up, I was in tears it hurt so bad. Lexie touched my face and asked.. "why cryin?" I told her my head hurt and she rubbed it for me. Then they dragged their pillows and blankets out to the living room and we all laid quietly and watched their morning shows. They don't usually do that. It was a big help to not having them run all over being loud with their toys and demanding my attention.
Then I went to the chiropractor and he adjusted my neck and back. It seems to have helped. I picked Hunter up from school. His teacher didn't look very happy and asked if she could call me to talk. I asked Hunter how his day was and he said "not so good." He had a progress report in his bag.. 6 sad faces, 3 neutral faces, and 1 happy face. He has been loud and disruptive in class and when walking to and from other classes and lunch. He isn't listening when asked to calm or quiet down. He won't settle down and do his work. So now he will be on daily progress reports, no tv or pool time, and we had a long talk with his Karate teacher as well since he had karate today. Maybe with some teamwork and motivation we can turn him back around. He has had these types of behavior for the last couple months, but had been working on it at home. I had hoped school would help. It definitely didn't help my mood today. So he and I have agreed tomorrow will be a better day... God, I hope so!

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