Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Mada Lynn Caudle 4.16.88-8.23.03

My friend Nancy, who I have known since sometime in Middle school, gave birth to Mada April 16, 1988. I took a trip to visit them that summer in Indiana. Mada was born with a multitude of physical problems, but she was born with the purest and most perfect heart. She taught us all so much about life, and love, and faith. Even knowing she was leaving all of us here.. she gave all her strength in planning her own funeral, picking out her favorite songs, and telling us all not to cry. She was ready to go, to run free in heaven. She was ready to meet her God and leave her frail, physical body here. I envy her faith. Mada was a doer.. she dreamed of swimming with dolphins, and the summer before her death she did that with her Mom, her brother, and her sister. She dreamed of meeting Cher, and she did that...she even gave Cher a gift... a bible.. Cher thanked Mada and told her she didn't have one of those! But that is so like Mada, to have no qualms or fears to take on something she believed in. Terri & I went with Nancy to Indiana. We managed to get there before Mada died and we got to say our goodbyes. I have to admit I cried. I read Mada a book about Haven and brushed her hair. I tried to be strong for her, but my selfish tears won out. Nancy, Terri, & I drove home. It was a chance to decompress form the 3 days worth of wakes and funeral services. On the trip back was when Kierra called me and told me she was having twins. We stopped in Pigeon Forge and hit the outlet stores just before they closed for some shopping therapy. The emotional rollercoaster of the grief of death, yet the celebration of newborn life was a hard ride. I am sure Mada was smiling down on us ( well maybe scolding me too!) as I said "oh Shit!" about a dozen times when Kie said there were 2 babies coming. Nancy & I have shared a lot in our lives, traveled some of the same roads, tho not always at the same time. We never wanted to share this, the loss of a child, never wanted the other to feel this kind of pain. I thought I could understand when Mada died, how torn Nancy's heart was.. but I didn't, couldn't have known the depths of it until Kierra's death. It has been 3 years since that trip to Indiana. I Can Only Imagine was one of the songs played at Mada's funeral service. I don't hear it often.. but I changed my radio station the day Kierra died, before I knew... 3 times, and each time that song came on within a minute of me changing it.. Mada always did make herself heard, even when no one wanted to listen....


New Beginnings said...

Maybe she was trying to let you know she was with Kie and in good hands.
we were all lucky to have 2 very special girls loand to us from heaven and both are missed terribly just knowing that they are in a safe place where there is no pain or strife makes missing them a little less.

Run like the wind my little mada girl :)

Nancy said...

Didn't she though. She played Cher for me. I can't say how much you and Terri kept my head above the waves during that time that felt like a month. I most certainly wished you didn't have to go through the pain even with your so different I couldn't begin to fathom. Our souls as friends seem timeless; for that I am so eternally grateful. I love you guys.

Nancy said...

It was therapy bring ensconced in my own little word in the back seat as we drove back to Florida. When I gazed out the window, I saw the shapes of the clouds Mada and I would look at each summer, "Your Song" by Elton John ran round and round in my head. To this day it reminds me of that trip. I can't thank you and Terri enough for that. Tossing boxes of tissues, good books, making me get out and eat now and again, much less ooo and ahh over not just a single baby out fit but they all had to be pairs! and of course hitting every Cracker Barrel we could between Tennessee, Georgia and Florida.