Saturday, August 05, 2006

Rose Colored Glasses..

Actually they will be clear glasses in brown "magic twistable" frames. (Which is supposed to mean they are virtually indestructible!) Hunter went to the eye doctor today and will be wearing glasses in about a week. He had some issues on a pre-school screening, so we followed up and had some tests done today. He has a weak right eye and a visual deficit in his left eye. He thinks it is the coolest thing because he knows so many people with glasses. I am sure he won't think that when some cruel child decides to pick on him.
3 hours at the eye Dr. gave me plenty of time to think. I thought of how we see things so differently from one person to another. We can look at the same thing or deal with the same situation, yet what and how we see it varies. The human psyhe is amazing, as much as it is baffling. I spent some time with friends tonight and there were a couple discussions about the Venus/Mars (Woman/Man) perceptions. One example was something I did to decorate a wall in our home. We have a long windowless wall from our living room & dining room to the kitchen. It is a pretty long wall. I hung a curtain rod and curtains to create a "Faux" window in our dining area. Women thought it was great, what a neat idea. Guys just didn't get it. "Why would you put up curtains when there isn't a window there?" Some even went over and checked behind the curtains. " Why did you do that? There's no window!" And when I tried to explain it was just for decoration, to break up the long wall, to do something different.. they just couldn't register it.. "But why curtains? There isn't a window there!" I got bored with it after a while and rearranged a bit, put something else on that wall. I am thinking of doing the curtain thing again.. even if just to freak out all the guys and keep them guessing again! I could use the laugh!


New Beginnings said...

you should hang a sign behind the curtins that reads "made ya look" or paint a funny face on it, the shock value would increase.

Nancy said...

You could create a shadow of a woman's curve. That'll definately draw their attention.

Gray Lady said...

Thata is such a great example of the difference between men and women. Love that story!