Saturday, August 12, 2006

Lawrence Welk

I was just visiting Elaine's blog..Kalilily Time: no Lawrence Welk world and was reminded of a different time & place in my life. The immediate response was of Saturday nights with my Nana at 6pm. Lawrence Welk time. Such an idealic world it was for me. Then I question myself.. was it really?? At Nana's it was, but at home my life was not what it always appeared to be. It was a fearful, painful existence that was hidden in the dark corners where no one looked and no one saw. But I grew up and I survived. And I do have good memories that push away the bad.
So I wonder if that is how it will be with my grief.. I do have many good memories, and this pain isn't from bad memories, but from the loss, the void created by Kierra's death. I won't be growing "up" just growing old! And I will/ am surviving. My life is far from Idealic, but is also far from the depths it has been.
I used to sing the Lawrence Welk farewell song to all the kids at bedtime, so on that note.. "Good Night, Sleep Tight, and Pleasant Dreams to You.. With a Wish, and a Prayer, That all Your Dreams Come True. And Now til We Meet Again.. Adios, Au Revior, Auf Wiedersehen.. Good Night!"

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