Sunday, July 30, 2006

Ohanna means family..

This weekend went fast! We stayed up late Friday night visiting with Alan, Leslie, Ashley & Chris.. and their little dog, Wrongway. ( He is a black & tan long haired dachshund, very sweet!) Then Yesterday Leslie & Ashley & I went to the outlet mall in St. Augustine and had lunch at Ruby Tuesdays. I even found a few Christmas presents at really good prices. It was great girl time. We had pizza last night (Thank you Alan & Leslie! It was actually Lelsie's idea..aren't we girls smart!?) I ended up going to bed about 10:30. I had the worst headache. I don't know if it was from skipping the Chiropractor on Thursday, or the heat, or lack of caffiene, or all three.. but it kicked my butt and sent me to bed. I actually slept til Brian came in at 6am.
So I woke up with no headache.. yea! Justin picked up the twins about 9-ish and they brought them back home after church. Hunter didn't want to go. So my wonderful niece Ashley (who is Hunter's new Best Friend Ever!) agreed to watch the twins & Hunter so we 4 grown-ups could go to lunch before they had to head back to Fort Walton Beach. We went to Mimi's Cafe and it was really nice. Brian had to work last night and again tonight so he hadn't had much time to visit with his brother.
While we were hanging out waiting for Brian to get up before lunch we were watching Lilo & Stitch. Ohanna means family.. our family isn't exclusive to our blood born family. Blood doesn't always mean something. We are blessed to have many friends and extended family who we consider Ohanna. Most of the same people who were constant in our lives before still are. A few have faded, and a few just disappeared. But the true Ohanna have always been here and we love you all.

1 comment:

Nancy said...
