Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Feeling Froggy

I spy.. a green baby frog.
Originally uploaded by mommanana
I spy.. a little green tree frog. They are everywhere. They are the size of your thumbnail. The brave ones show themselves all over my front windows and the window sills. The more bashful hide among the plants and bushes in the front yard.
Alexa sees them and responds in the miniature maternal way girls talk to their dolls and babies of any kind.. "awwww baby froggy, you cute!" Tristan responds in the timeless language of boys.." Hah, froggy, cool, I want one!" I tell him he has hundreds, and they live outside. Although I have rescued numerous ones from inside the house, disposing quickly of the ones I find that didn't get rescued quick enough!
I am not up to the great Shore tadpole rescue we had a few years ago. Adding 30-40 tadpoles/frogs to the house is just too much to even consider! We will enjoy them while we have them around us and then we will remember them in pictures. As it is with all things precious to us..

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I remember those, why not??? It's tradition in the shore family to have tad poles. Come now, we can't disappoint Tristan.