Friday, March 07, 2008

My little trooper..

although he isn't so little any more. I am amazed at how Hunter handles life sometimes. I try to explain things to him in detail, in a way he can understand. If he asks me a question, I do my best to answer it, not just blow him off. Whenever we do things I explain to him how things work, and what to do if something doesn't go the way we expect. Once on horseback our saddle slid sideways going up a hill. He was on a ride-along saddle behind me, attached to mine. Most adults would have panicked. But I had told him if something like that happened to just hold on and stay calm. He did great. When someone asked him why he didn't panic, he told them "because my Mom told me what to do."
When I felt sick on Monday, Hunter & I were at the grocery store after I picked him up from school. I managed to get the groceries in and got into the car. I knew I was going to pass out so I told Hunter what happens when someone passes out and what to expect. I told him if he got scared to call his Dad. I was only out a mimnute or less. He was a trooper. He got me a towel out of the back seat and told me to throw up in a pan that was in the car if I needed to throw up again. We waited until I was absolutely sure I could handle driving the half mile to our house, then we went home. I asked him what he thought and if he was scared, He said no, but if I hadn't woken up after a few minutes he would have called his Dad. He also told me I couldn't drive anymore if I was that sick! Of course when I left to pick him up from school I didn't feel that sick, just yucky from an upset stomach. I am glad it wasn't worse and Hunter was my little trooper!

1 comment:

Nancy said...

What a man!