Saturday, February 21, 2009

Stir Crazy, or just plain nuts?

There is a vast difference between my grown child needing calm & quiet, and the 3 smaller children needing activity and action. Here I am inthe middle of them all trying to keep everyone happy! Brianne is doing much better, although headaches are still an issue. She is getting up and around on her own and needs little assistance. Things just take her alot longer. I am going to get her settled then take the kids to the mall playground for a bit. There are no kid's movies out at all that are appropriate for them, so I have to explore other options. It is too cold, so they don't want to go to the zoo either. Any activity in the house becomes too loud no matter what it is because they just want to go and do. If I had the funds they would be going to daycare for awhile! So off I go to let them release some of this pent-up energy. They have really done well the past few days, so I guess they are allowed a crazy day! I am at the mercy of them all today, so I guess I'll be going crazy too.. nothing new!

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