Friday, January 04, 2008

Mistakes and Moments..

Here we are, just one month away from the twin's 4th birthday. I am constantly amazed at how they change and grow every day. I can honestly say that on most days they wear me out! They have boundless energy and very little fear. They see everything as bright and new and theirs.. even when it isn't! I wonder some days what they would be like if Kierra were here to raise them. I wonder if they would be different. I have known people not raised anywhere near their parents, yet they are alot like them. Both in mannerisms and habits. I wonder how much is from who raises you, or who gives birth to you. I am sure it is a mixture of both. I am not as carefree as Kierra. She was such a free spirit. I try to do the things she liked to do with them. I try to show them the things she wanted them to see.
Every parent wants the best for their children. We all second guess how we do things and what is best for them. I think I have learned from my years of parenting, yet no 2 children are alike, and each experience is new. So I will learn along with them, and we will teach each other along the way. I know I will make mistakes, and they will too, as did their mother before them, and as all my children have. A mistake is an unexpected opportunity.. to learn, to change, to grow. (I should be 10 feet tall by now!)
So on the days when I doubt I will survive this, I will try to remember that I have been here before. I will remember another blond haired little girl who tried my patience more than once. I will remember another pair of hazel eyes that looked at me with mischief brewing in them. I will remember the time that flew by too fast and I will treasure the moments I have, good and otherwise.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That is what life is about we all still learn and we still learn from mistakes, we just have to be there for those that make thier first one.