Saturday, March 11, 2006

I am whipped!

It si 10 pm..just the beginning of my night.. and I am whipped! I didn't get to bed after I blogged during the night last night, until 6 am this morning, and got up at 8 am with the kids. That isn't unusual for me. I am whipped because the kids have worn me out! Greta & I took Cody, Katie, Hunter, Alexa, & Tristan to the zoo today. We went about 11:15ish. We rode the train, walked the zoo, played at the playground, hit McDonald's drive thru, and got home about 3:30. The kids were filthy from the playground, but of course they didn't care. I cleaned them up and stripped them down and let them take naps in their onesies. It was a late nap, so we didn't let them sleep their usual 2 hours. They had dinner, took a long playful bath and were tucked in by 9 pm. Hunter was right behind them. And here I sit, yawning, waiting for Max to wake up for his night feeding so I can go to bed! I have been fighting cold/allergies (?) for a couple days now, so that may be adding to it. But I think the major contribution is that my tired ass is getting old! I used to run rings around my kids and have energy left over..I could use some of it now! I will let you know tomorrow if I get a full night's sleep..

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