Sunday, August 05, 2007


Brian's brother, Alan, came for a visit a couple weeks ago. Now his Uncle Charles has dropped in for the weekend to go to a wedding. It has been nice to see them both. Brian was able to take a day off and do a few things with Alan while he was here. He has worked all this weekend, but has tomorrow (Sunday, today) off so he can spend some time with his Uncle. Uncle Charles used to visit us when we lived in England. He has a habit of last minute visits, or just dropping in. He reminded me of some times when he visited us and the time we went to London to ship one of Sasha's puppies to Germany. We went to several places and had a really good time. I can't believe he is 80! He drives a little two seater convertible sports car and travels quite a bit. He wants to come back up sometime to go kayaking with me! I thought the kids would be too much for him to handle, but he has done well. Brian is thrilled because people visiting means the house gets a good cleaning and I cook!!

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