Saturday, December 20, 2008

Something to talk about..

When the kids hung ornaments the other night Hunter wanted to hang one of Kierra when she was about a year old. The twins asked who the baby was and Hunter told them it was their Mommy Kierra. That seemed to satisfy them and they finished hanging the other ornaments.
Later I caught the tail end of a conversation between Hunter & Alexa. The part I heard was Alexa asking him "Will Mommy die driving her car?" He quickly told her "No, God wouldn't take both your Mommies away." She accepted that and they moved on to look at another ornament.
I debated bringing it back up, then decided to wait. I asked Hunter about it when I was tucking him in. He said Alexa had asked him where Mommy Kierra was and he told her she was in Heaven. She asked if that was far away. When he told her yes, she asked how she got there. He told her she died and when Alexa asked how she died Hunter told her she died in a car crash when she was driving her car to work one day. That is when I caught the end of the conversation. Hunter asked me if it was wrong to tell her. I told him no, I just wondered if she was old enough to understand. We agreed if it comes up again we will all talk about it together. I thanked him for reassuring her and for being such a great big brother.
I have thought countless times what it would be like to tell them. I wondered when would be the right time. I didn't think of it being part of a simple conversation between 2 children. I forgot how matter of fact Hunter can be, and that I always tell him to be honest. I think he handled it very well. I hope I can handle it as well when they start asking me questions about it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This just truely made me cry this morning, Hunter IM so proud of you! You put tears in my eyes but made me smile at the same time and feel so proud of you. I hope you always stay the way you are when you get older.It will mean something to both of them as they grow older with you. Do they understand you asked. Sound's like sort of. Time will tell and be ready the best you both can.
Love you so much Hunter