Friday, April 06, 2007

The Nap Recipe..

Brian called Terri's the other day to check on the kids, they were napping. We almost never get them to take naps. He asked her how she did it. I don't know the exact quote, but the part that stuck was.. "You boil 'em first". I had visions of the world's largest lobster pot! Which isn't far off.. she lets them play in the hot tub she has connectd to her pool. Then they get dry clothes, a comfy blanket.. and voila'..baked babies in a blanket. They nap for three hours!!
I tried my own version of her recipe tonight to help them settle for bed.. I set up my jacuzzi tub, got them naked.. and... they screamed their heads off and got out. I'm not sure what went wrong.. maybe tomorrow I will try it with their suits on..

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