Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Lost In Yawwnkas...

That is Nancy's version of Yonkers! Many moons ago I convinced Brian to let me drive when we were on our way back from some trip we had taken. We lived in Plattsburgh, upstate, New York. I only had to catch one exit to get us home safe & sound.. well I woke Brian up when I saw bright lights and a sign that said "Welcome to Yonkers". Which is also in New York, but in the opposite direction we needed to go! It has been a running joke with Brian since then that I got us lost in Yonkers. I agree I am directionally challenged, but sometimes getting lost is not such a bad thing.
I found our new house by getting lost and taking the raod to do a u-turn. This past weekend Nancy, Brenda, & I went up to the horse ranch. (more about my horse babies later!) We got bad directions from Blane, and well, my natural instinct to go the wrong way took over from there. I was trying to go into town to go to the coffee shop. Many wrong turns later we ended up finding an old abandoned house and some cool old shacks hidden in trees and vines. We tooka quick peek in the windows and continued our search for downtown Madison. Wer finally made it and grabbed a quick coffee to go and got back to the ranch in time for dinner. After dinner we decided to go back to the old house so Nancy could get some pictures. Nancy was our common sense about breaking, I mean..entering, into the house. Brenda and I tried every door & window. We found 2 windows that would open, but they were too high up and we couldn't find anything to stand on. We were contemplating going to walmart to get a step stool or ladder as we headed back to the truck.. just in time for a sherrif to drive by checking us out. All I could imagine was one of our rearends hanging out the window and getting busted! Good thing we behaved. It was a fun and interesting adventure. One we would not have had if we had not gotten lost..

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