Saturday, June 21, 2008

Catching up..

I was looking back over some blogs the past few months and realized I never updated a couple things, sorry!

Tristan is completely potty trained, About the beginning of May it finally clicked. He has done super.. no accidents!

Lenny did not have West Nile Virus. It took over 2 weeks for the test results to come back on that.. but he did have some unknown neurological virus that seems to be gone now. The treatments would have been the same. He does get a droopy bottom lip when he is tired. He may always have that now. He has a lump, seems to be just a hematoma, on his neck, that we will work on with massage and some DMSO. The ultrasounds show nothing there to worry about. So he is back to his old self again.

I think that catches things up.. if I have forgotten something, or have left you wondering.. let me know!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...