Thursday, May 08, 2008

My other "kids"..

Well, Brianne & I had an awesome ride with the horses the other evening. Although it was a bit longer than we had planned. We are stilling learning our way around and thought we could find a way around instead of backtracking the way we went to start with. No such luck, so we had to backtrack. But the horses did great and we really enjoyed the ride. It was much cooler than it would have been during the heat of the day. It will be fun to learn the trails and enjoy the horses. I was worried about Barney because I had so many problems before I moved him, but he was like the horse he used to be. It confirmed for me that the move was the right thing to do. I had some doubts and worries, but he showed me that I did the best thing for both of us! Yesterday Bri went with me and we gave Lenny & Barney baths. They didn't love it, but they did good. Then the ferrier was there to trim hooves on another horse and I got him to do Barney's for me and put new shoes on. Of course when I brought Barney back in from the pasture he had rolled in the dirt! They are just like kids. They drive me crazy.. but I love 'em!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Looks like you need to use your GPS!(LOL) Sounds like fun!