Saturday, March 31, 2007


It's been eons since I played tag with my sister, but she got me on her blog.. see her link on the right.. so I have to list 6 wierd things about me that you may not know?! Ok, here goes:
1) I don't just hate liver.. the smell makes me physically ill.
2) I prefer a light on when I sleep, a night light will do.
3) I like margarine on crackers, ask Nancy about it!
4) I got kicked in the butt by a horse when I was about 5 years old, wouldn't ride for years, until I was a teenager.
5) I wanted to be a truck driver.
6) I sang in a country band for a short time in Indiana when I was 18.
Not so wierd after all, but that's all I've got! Now I tag.. Vicky, Savannah, & Lisa Jaye..if you don't blog, post it in my comments section!


LJ said...

1. I love peanut butter and bacon on toast

2. I cannot cross my eyes

3. My eyes are 2 different colors

4. My nostrils wiggle when I laugh

5. I wanted to be a truck driver.

6. I can knit, crochet and cross stitch but cannot sew a button on.

Anonymous said...

Interesting! Funny, we have known each other so long and we learn more every day, I left mine in my blog and I tagged Nance