(It is 4:45am, I have not been to bed yet, so I still consider this to be Monday!) I was thinking today of all the different places I have been over the years for Labor Day weekend. Nothing major stands out from my child hood. I am sure many would have considered me still a child Sept. of 1980, I was a month shy of my 17th birthday. Kierra was conceived that Labor Day weekend. I told my Mom I was babysitting, instead I spent the weekend at a hotel with the man who would become Kierra's biological father. 26 years ago. That seems like another life.
By the following year, Sept. 1981, we were married and living in Decatur, Indiana. Kierra was almost 3 months old.
By Sept. 1982 we were sperated and on our way to a divorce and Kierra & I were living in St. Petersburg, Florida.
By Sept. 1983 Kierra & I had married Brian in July and we lived in Cheyenne, Wyoming.
Sept. 1984 we were still in Wyoming and Brianne was just a couple weeks old.
Sept. 1985 Brian was in Belgium with the Air Force, the kids & I were back in St. Petersburg, FL.
Sept. 1986 we lived in Plattsburgh, New York and Chad was almost 2 weeks old, Brianne was 2 & Kierra was starting Kindergarten.
Sept. 1990 we were on our way to Mildenhall, England.
Sept. 1994 we were living in Albuquerque, New Mexico.
Sept 1995 we were living in Jacksonville, FL. on Inez Drive.
Sept. 1999 we were living in Jax on Spaulding Road.
Sept. 2000 we were living in Jax on Beckley Place.
Sept. 2001 Hunter was living with us (since April 10th.)
Sept. 2003 Hunter was legally ours (in July).
Sept. 2004 Tristan & Alexa were 7 months old.
Sept. 2005 Kierra was getting ready to move into her apt.
Sept. 2006 Here I sit, 26 years after she was conceived, unable to believe she is gone.
As true as I know it is, it is still so "unreal" to me at times. Like now in the pre-dawn light, in the wee hours of my sleepless night, my mind does not let me rest from the thoughts I must confess.. are troubled and tired, as I am. So sleep I seek, and hope to find, some rest for this, my troubled mind..
Hi. I found your blog from a comment you left at Rocks In My Dryer. Just wanted to let you know how sorry I am for your loss. I don't even know what else to say.
Thanks Jodi, I wanted to e-mail you back but didn't have a way to do that. My e-mail is Vettek1@aol.com.
I found you VIA Rocks In My Dryer and thought you might be interested in reading my latest post dealing with the subject of Moms For Modesty! Come check it out..thanks!
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