Sunday, August 05, 2007

The Diva Don't Dunk!

All three kids finished swim class Thursday. Hunter did great. He knew how to swim fairly well under water, but this helped him learn how to swim better. Tristan is a fish! He dives in and swims very well under water. Part of the process is learning to "bob" or "dunk" yourself under water to the bottom then push yourself back up. Hunter and Tristan had no problem doing that. Alexa on the other hand, never did complete that task. It wasn't so much the going under part.. she didn't want to get her hair wet! And if they got her hair wet or tried to dunk with her she would wait til they were done with her, then she would walk to the pool steps and sit, refusing to do anything else. She loves the water, but the Diva don't dunk!

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