Tuesday, May 30, 2006

A good start..

I am sitting here listening to the twins while they supposedly take their nap.. haha. I just registered my web site & domain name for Citizens Against Road Rage, it is www.citizensagainstroadrage.com (under construction, but on it's way.)
I am hoping to register the trademark C.A.R.R. too. It feels good to be doing this, to get it all started. To make Kierra's death mean something more than just another news story. Of course it means something to all of us, but I want something good to come from it, I want to make a difference. So here goes.....


Brenda said...

Hey Mari-Jane,
The site looks good so far. What a great idea!!! If you need any help just let me know.
Love ya, Brenda

Nancy said...

No matter what you do you'll always make a difference; just being you. Love ya Nance