Saturday, September 20, 2008

Bears & Mook

There are times when the mornings aren't so rushed that we get to enjoy the kids more than usual. They like to climb up on our bed and we catch their toes and do the "This Little Piggy" rhyme and tickle their toes. Hunter even joins in the ruckus. They giggle and wriggle and it is the best music to start the day. Then they demand their bears & mook. The bears are vitamins, similar to gummy bears, but from the health store so they are more vitamin than candy. The mook is their pediasure. They can say "milk", but it has always been mook, so mook it is. They were very persistent this morning and I asked them.. "Who is going to fix ME breakfast?" and Alexa answered.. "You are!" Then I asked.."Well, where is my coffee?" and Tristan piped in.. "In the kitchen!" They are getting too quick and too smart! You can't get much past them anymore!

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