Monday, July 02, 2007

Thursday was a Monumental Day!

Tristan & Alexa went potty on the toilet!! In our world that is a VERY big deal! I was spending the day moving (almost) the last of the stuff from the Beckley house and came home to unload the small U-haul I rented. Savannah was babysitting and I thought I would try to get them to go potty for me. I broke down and bought the Mega M&Ms. Yes I bribed them.. and it worked! Alexa sat but did nothing. Then Tristan tried and when I told him he would get an M&M if he peed in the toilet.. he did! Well, Alexa didn't like that we made such a big deal about Tristan doing it, so she peed a little and pooped! TMI for some people, but this is quite the moment here in the world of potty training. It is still a work in progress, but hey.. we are on our way!!
I also finally emptied the Beckley house completely. The inside looks great and now we are working on the outside. Hope to have it listed by the first of next week! So we had quite the day Thursday!!

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